Let's get this straight:

It is okay to have a religion and support its beliefs.
It is okay to be part of a culture and show its traditions.
It is okay to have an opinion regarding an issue and talk to people about it.
It is okay to like or dislike a form of government.
It is okay to be part of the LGBTQ Community, or not, and be proud of it.
It is also okay to disagree with a religion, culture, belief, sexuality, or opinion.
I repeat: it IS okay to believe in something and support your opinion.
What is NOT okay is to treat others as if they are not humans just because of their beliefs; because as well as you have your opinion and expect people to respect it, they have their own beliefs and expect the same from you.
It is not about agreeing with it or not.
It is not about what is right or what is not.
It is not about what God says or not.
It is about respect.
So the next time you are discussing your opinion with someone who disagrees, be open-minded and speak with respect and education; those kill more than an actual insult.


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